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Free Support

I help women in their 50s enjoy freedom around food and find peace with their body.

"What I love about working with you is that you listen well to what I say during our sessions. I also appreciate that we get to talk and see each other every week, which helps me feel accountable and motivated to continue my progress. You are an encourager not just in the area of food, but also in movement and removing things in my life that cause stress. Your gentle approach to coaching has been so beneficial for me and has helped me achieve success in many areas of my life."


"Patricia really listens! She is so patient, kind, and supportive! I never thought I would have this much freedom with food. I am grateful to have found her and be able to make some wonderful changes that have improved my outlook!”

Pria S.

"Intuitive Eating seems so simple on the surface. Once we started digging, I realized how much I was pushing down and how it impacted my self-image. I highly recommended working with Patricia if you are ready to do some real inner work.”

L. Woods


"I was NEVER able to turn down french fries! Working with Patricia helped me to see why I had to eat ALL the fries. Now I can actually leave fries on the plate! I am thankful for our time together and her gentle approach”. 

Michelle P.

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